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Work From Dark


Acceptance is Freedom

October 14, 2019

"To be free is to accept but to accept is to be free"

Education is Changing

October 14, 2019

"To succeed is to gain knowledge but to gain knowledge is to be educated yet to be educated is to be advanced"

Obscured Chain

October 16, 2019

"You may have never know that it was already dragging you down"

Innocently Punished

October 20, 2019

"Hurting something innocent is against the natural law"


Technological Advancement

October 20, 2019

"Towards the future of technology is toward the generation with no dedication"

Take Heed

October 20, 2019

"Observe and you will see how change will ruin you"

First Phase: Latest Articles

Acceptance is Freedom

October 14, 2019

I blinked the reality as it flourished upon the hem of my orbs. I never would have accepted it if it weren't brandishing through my vision. As I grasped the height of what has been obscuring my eyes, I realized everything that has been happening. I was enlightened and was overwhelmed by joy when the truth I've been longing for stuck through my throat, yet as I swallowed it with enthusiasm, its coat fell. Hidden inside its facade was something I wasn't prepared about, it was worse than a nightmare. The filtering truth wasn't tasty at all but I didn't cough it out, instead I ate it in a way I never have enjoyed; at least I was full.

Freedom? I never have been free. No one has and those who were saying they were, maybe faking it or else acting it out. It’s yet another coat of something they were trying to hide. But I'm not going to blame them. Who would want to expose that they were being chained? Or else being caged with something they weren't strong enough to fight with? They're just a victim, I guess? A victim of inferiority and pitiful circumstances they were probably experiencing and just how I woke up, they will. If they just tried swallowing what's inside the coat of truth, yet they needed to be strong enough to brave it or else they will choke it out even before it reached their throat.

Being strong and courageous. A piece of advice I often hear from myself. It was something that we needed to brave freedom because honestly if we weren't that strong enough to stand with what we believe in; we wouldn't be strong enough to break the chain caging us. I know how hard it was to try standing for our own belief especially when there's a lot of people peering to get a better look at our frail trial. They would distract us from breaking the metal while degrading us for being weak enough for not being able to free ourselves. Yet they're just nothing but distractions aiming to lose us from our goals to be free. They wanted us chained in the fear that we will grow stronger than them, perhaps mightier than them.

The chain took any form, as long as it's restricting someone then it is. I remember my restrictions. It wasn't external since I am the kind of person who will never let other people encaged me with their foolishness. No, it was something inside me. My self was my chain. Ironic right? But that's the truth. I would never deny it. Truthfully, it was my wisdom that keeps on breaking my wings, it was the only thing that made me writhe on the floor. And it was also my strength, it was the same thing that steered me away from any external forces trying to bribe my freedom, which goes to show that our strength would sometimes be our weakness.

I wasn't entirely sure how I broke the strings but all I know is that I accepted it. I accepted the fact that I'm somewhat always chained by the trick of life. Seriously, it was tricky to the point that it would make us felt like we're inhaling freedom but we're just being fooled. It was just giving us false hope so that we would lower our barrier, yet we didn't realize that by lowering our defenses we have let yet another chain to take over. Ironic right? But that's something we can never avoid. It's the harsh truth we should have accepted a long time ago because if we keep on denying it, we will never be free.

Acceptance. Yes, it is through acceptance that I was free. If I never have done it, I would still be stuck and immobile in the marathon of life. Honestly, I could testify that it's difficult to accept anything which was why it's also hard to free ourselves. We can never say that we have truly accepted something when we still whined over it. Acceptance is the action of absorbing things and understanding what has been plastered upon us. Only by it would we be able to truly escape the game of destiny. But attaining it is something we should master first and it will take time, yet if we wanted to break the chain then no time boundary would ever stop us from aiming our goal.

The first move was to realize what we have been denying. Comprehend and debate with ourselves the very thing we have never wanted to accept because it's the strongest chain that was binding us, so start breaking it first and the others will follow. Remember, comprehending would never be a one-night show. It would take days, months, and years even. Since it's ourselves we'll be understanding then we have to take careful notice of what we perceived because it might not be the chain we're looking for but yet another distraction trying to lure us into another chain. We would know that we have comprehended that thing when we feel it. Yes, we would feel it.

Understanding what strong bind to break would lead us to another phase of chain-breaking. Once we truly understand what bond was tying us then we're ready to break it. Now, to destroy it was something that we needed to be cautious about because it would be worst if done wrongly. Correctly, we should absorb it and believe that we're free with it. Honestly, if we never have faith that we would be able to annihilate it then it would be useless. Our faith was what kept us strong, it's something that we can consider a weapon in breaking the chain. For without faith there was nothing left. Seriously, let us believe because I escaped the prison by believing.

Thus, acceptance was what we truly need to be able to free ourselves from the chain that kept on binding us. We never have been truly free but by accepting it we would be. Hopefully...

First Phase: Latest Book

Education is Changing

October 14, 2019

What makes a quality education is a hardship poured into it. It's for a fact that we only take value to things we have sweat with which leads us to cherish the outcome of education because it opens our eyes to new things. It makes us realize that to achieve the ends we want, we have to make sacrifices. While this sacrifice may be big or small, it doesn't matter, since through it will we only see the true essence of things. Yet as our knowledge towards the world becomes positively advance, we make rush changes without even considering the factors it will affect. We become reckless and arrogant with the new wisdom we acquire.

I am not against discoveries since it makes us more innovated but I think we should be careful though, our mind is an objective part of our self. If we always follow it we will never realize what effect we will offer other people. That's why we have a heart which is our subjective part. It balances our decisions so that we will be able to acquire our needs and desires without spoiling others. I know it's hard to listen to both sides of your soul but if you do it, you'll eventually get used to it until such time you were unconsciously doing it.

What's my point? All I'm saying is that we needed to take heed with discovering new things for there might be a time that this discovery would be our downfall. It's good that we learn to make things easier for us but we needed to be cautious, we might find ourselves in a tight situation due to this. I'm entirely sure that if we continue these actions, we will face a different world in the future. A realm where life is at ease but is that really what we need? Do we want an easy life where technology can do everything for us? If that does happen, what will be our role in this world? A master of our invention? Or a puppet of our foolishness?

Take it for instance, in the future education would likely fall into a category of junk. It would be as worthless as garbage and as important as waste. Why is that? Since we thrive to make our life easier, we might annihilate education for it isn't easy to acquire. Believe it or not, it's something that is needing patience, and stress would be inevitable with it which is something we wanted to separate ourselves from, that is why there might be a discovery that enables us to acquire the knowledge with a simple installation, with every install we easily acquire the knowledge needed for the course we wanted, and as simple as that, you will have your job.

But what good is that? Yes, you will be able to have the prior knowledge but would your mind be able to grasp the total capacity of the knowledge you have acquired? I think that the reason why education is a long-term process of learning is that our minds should process information accordingly. Just like how a memory card in a phone, it is limited with gigabytes so if we put something that big to our brain, it might collapse with its weight. Our mind expands through the learning we get through a motion of a lullaby, we needed to learn things slowly to comprehend the information being inputted.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that there is no good at things that are easily acquired. We needed to be able to understand the essence of the time phase. We should understand that we are a product of time and thus we should not take things with a rush. I know that we wanted to acquire an easy life but would that be good for us? Hardship is what makes us going, it thrilled us so if we remove it to our existence would we still want to live? I think we'll die with boredom.

First Phase: Latest Book

Obscured Chain

October 16, 2019

Oblivion had eaten our whole system, since the knowledge that seems to twinkle within our minds were starting to lose its flicker; it’s tumbling away from us leaving a hole within our brains, which is unfortunately left unknown, and the education that seems to be the key for success had slipped through the linkages of everyone’s inner-self. What seems to be the only chance for lives to improve had been neglecting us harshly. I mean to say that the education system nowadays was hard to come up with. Yes, everyone was welcome to go to school but passing through it was the biggest question!

Being a student as I always am, I know how hard it was to pass every subject. I literally slithered through the needle’s hole just to achieve where my position was right now, so basically as I have observed, it was complicated to pass. Furthermore, passing becomes an issue especially that money prevailed than the common knowledge, thus, who achieve better lives in the future were those who already have those lives. Maybe that was why there were children in our community that we're not going to school anymore because they have no financial capacity to support their studies. It’s ironic how teachers inculcate to the poor the ray of hope in education, and how they impress the future that awaits in being a college graduate, yet they forgot to take into consideration the status of each child they teach.

I am a living witness upon how the education was executed on this generation, and I saw with my own beautiful eyes how the value of knowledge was being overwhelmed by the rate of money. I’m not saying that education can be bought but it’s in similar terms, yet not in the sense that paying some peso would lead to graduation because it would take more than that to move forward. What I’m trying to say is that to reach the highest level of education, money would be the greatest weapon for without it, passing will be impossible.

As I am still a student, I encountered a lot of circumstances that exhibits this very thing, especially in terms of giving assignments. They tend to give us homework that needed to be browsed into the net. As they put it, technology makes our lives easier. However, there was a payment to acquire its service, thus, it becomes a problem for us who lacked financial capacity. I for one experienced crying because I have no money to do my assignments, and I know for myself that I don’t want to fail, but I can’t do anything since I am poor. I know that it was purposefully made to cope up with the activities that weren’t able to accomplish in the school, but I really think that they should minimize giving assignments such as those that needed to be paid, because even if the technology was prevalent in the society, not everyone has access to its service and again, it goes to show that it was more in favor to those who have higher financial capacity.

On the other hand, another situation that executes the issue was in terms of giving performance tasks which may be in the form of a project or reports. Now, it plays a vital role in passing the subject since it has a higher percentage, thus, fail to pass any of it then don't expect to pass. Since it has a major role, it should be Grande or if not, closer to perfection. Mostly, projects were either a scrapbook or a short film which may sometimes be cheap but they usually cost a lot of pesos. Personally, I loved exposing myself to those kinds of activities, however, as I am not rich, hindrances such as money prevented me from enjoying it. I clearly remember how we made our project in the first quarter, it was catastrophic. It's an output made out of scrap. I’m sorry did I say scrap? I mean to say, it was made up of scrap material that we bought. Ironic right? Since it was bought, then we needed to contribute money to acquire it but since I haven’t got any, I wasn’t able to contribute anything. It doesn’t need to be that hard but then, my pocket was already emptied by my projects on the other subjects, and that what’s make it complicated and costly, because they tend to give us projects at the same time and the same deadline. I wish they would stop doing that for aside from the fact that we aren’t rich, our health would surely be at the risk and I think there’s no point of any degree or knowledge if we can’t live healthily.

While the assignments and projects were probably costly, there was no avoidance to the fact that inside the school’s premises money will always prevail. For one, things such as paper and pen cost some pesos; it might be cheap but mostly due to poverty, acquiring it became hard. I admit I have shed tears entering school empty-handed due to financial problem and I just can’t do anything to it since I’m poor. Then suddenly one of my teacher decided to be naughty and have a long quiz. Like heck? She’s not even teaching, what am I going to answer? Her laziness as a teacher? But the real problem lay beneath the materials to use. My gosh, I have no pen and paper, where am I supposed to write my answer! In her ugly face? Luckily, I was so resourceful that I was able to find myself such things, yet I still can’t get over the fact that my teacher was wanting us to answer questions that we haven’t even tackle! Such a unique educator, I daresay!

There were circumstances that even the hand-outs they gave were needing payments. Of course, I understand that they were the one who selflessly printed it out just for us to have something to study with! But then the only one that benefit from it were those that can afford to pay it and pity for those who can’t! Though, I can buy it sometimes that only happens on rare occasions. I’m not saying that they should stop doing those things, yet I wanted to emphasize that they shouldn’t get mad if some may not be able to have it because as I’ve said, we aren’t rich. The sole evidence for that is the fact that we entered a public school which literally means that we haven’t got any financial capacity to be eligible in a private one. It further leads my argument that the teachers should not expect any money from us, thus, they should limit asking any activities which involved any amount of peso.

The last thing I’ve observed is the utilization of technology. Some of my teachers encouraged us to use it to our advantage, which is good! Yet, due to their determination to make us see the web’s worth, they hadn’t realized that our financial capacity wouldn’t be able to run together with the advancement they were advocating. Sure, someone would be able to phase with them but that wouldn’t be all of us. In terms of announcing assignments, they tend to just post it on a specific page on Facebook or maybe send it to a group chat. However, not all may see and know it because as I’ve said earlier, not all of us can access its service. I clearly remembered the shiver that run down my spine when my teacher shouted to us. It happened last year, she was so angry that we weren’t able to do our homework to her. I was taken aback with the news because I know she didn’t give us any, but I realize that she sent it to our group chat when she screamed it. I was ashamed since it was the first time that I won’t be able to pass my homework, yet I realized that it wasn’t my fault. If anything it was hers. Like heck, she can just tell us about it while we were still at school but why didn’t she? It made me think she wanted to insult us. I don’t want to feel that way but what could I do, it felt like she wanted to show us how pitiful our lives were.

Anyway, the teachers may have done these unconsciously but I think they were half-conscious with these issues, yet they not only ignore it but added something more to the problem. I am not holding any grudge with my educators since it was through them that I was illuminated about these problems. It’s just making me confused, if education is the key to success, how can a poor like me succeed if to acquire it, we needed to have money? How can I be able to grasp the ultimate goals I aim for if I was chained to the new education system? If I was chained to the bind of unconscious reality? Will I still be able to succeed?

First Phase: Latest Book

Innocently Punished

October 20, 2019

Children are a blank paper. They refer to what they see and to what surrounds them. It is for a fact that they are yet innocent with everything that is happening. They can only perceive something good if it can make them happy, but the basis of their joy is not deep that even if you just make face, they will eventually laugh. However, they can also be annoying especially when they want something. They will not care at everything at all just to get what they want and if they are not able to have it, they will throw tantrums that will knock you off your feet. Truthfully, they will not be held responsible for any actions they do since they still have no prior knowledge with what is good and bad, which is why the parents are given the responsibility to discipline their child.

To discipline is a very difficult task indeed. It is something that is needing a lot of patience because it is a long-term process. You cannot just expect to discipline a child for just a day? Surely, that is not the way it should be done. Mostly, because parents are quite busy with their works and such, they became agitated with everything that a simple misdeed of their child they will retort to spanking, and their justification with these activities is that it is just a discipline. They say that they are doing this just to show their child what they have done wrong, and according to them, it is effective since after that their child will be obedient.

Kristin Cantu said that spanking a child shows the child that their parents are bigger and stronger that they can take control of them. But it doesn’t show the child how to learn to develop self-control of themselves. It might stop the child from being naughty at the moment but it will affect the child mentally and emotionally. Over the long run, it will not lead a child to not repeat the behavior that resulted in the spanking in the first place and eventually the child will learn to behave in a way of fear, not by respect.

The point of discipline is to show a child of her misconduct but since we are referring to an innocent child, it should be done cautiously for if it is not, there is a possibility that the child’s behavior will be worse than they are supposed to be. The parents should learn how to differentiate discipline and punishment because discipline is a way of teaching by using necessary limit setting as well as praising desired ways of being while punishment is the act of punishing someone. 

Kristin Cantu further said that infants and toddlers learn more from the behavior that is modeled for them than anything else. And as a child, they refer to what they see and that will be for them the right thing. If they are being spanked they might think that it is a way for a conflict or a problem to be solved, and they will carry this for their entire life. 

There are many other ways to discipline a child rather than retorting in any form of physical abuse. Why not do other harmless things to teach your child a lesson? You can just tell them that what they are doing is wrong, they might throw a tantrum but they will eventually see what you mean. It might not be now but maybe someday. And even if it will take some more time to discipline your child, just be patient because a child learns more from what they have experienced rather than in any physical pain. Anyway, the tantrum that has resulted in one ‘no’ might be an opportunity for the child to learn how to get themselves back under control.

First Phase: Latest Book

Technological Advancement

October 20, 2019

The world has changed. We are in a new generation that exhibits technology in a daily account. We became dependent on what technology has to offer that we always make use of it, from the food we eat to the work we do. Bruce and Brooks said that advancements in technology are always intended to “make things easier, save time, and increase efficiency”. However, it is not always the way it has been supposedly made. These technologies also come with their costs and downsides, which sometimes are overlooked because of their benefits.

Many issues have risen together with the advancement of technology. It has been a hot topic, especially in debate whether or not technology is beneficial or somewhat disadvantageous to everyone. It is perhaps a fact that these discoveries have led most of us to an easy life, in a way that everyone can manage to access news and information with regards to anything in just one click. Ramey Karehka remark that all of these have been possible due to modern technologies since the Internet provides a lot of platforms where one can get any information, may it be for researches or entertainment purposes from the vast base resources available.

It is also through technology that we can communicate in a clearer way. It subjects us to communication where distance is not a barrier anymore. It helps us to interact with various people from different countries. We are then able to analyze the different perspectives of a different culture, thus, we can understand more what and who other people are. Gaby and Kenzie, in their video on the advantages and disadvantages of technology, say that “people use technology more for business communication than for any other sector, even more than the face to face communication.

Some use technology in a way for their business to be promoted. They use the platform to invite costumers or to make their service more productive. Bruce and Brooks write: “One of the main impacts of new technology is that it increases productivity through automation of many tasks, thereby, freeing workers to focus on more important duties”. Technology also helps them to have an easier work which helps them to do more tasks, thus, the production will be fast approaching.

Furthermore, technology also helps not just enhance creativity but also helps a person have it for themselves. Through, a lot of platforms plastered by the Internet, it is impossible for a person to run out of ideas because honestly, it gives new ideas every so often. It has also been observed that most innovator in this era is dependent on technology since they generate their ideas through it. On the other hand, technology helps the student ace their class. It helped upon filling the knowledge one student did not able to learn. Through the wide access of information on it, they will be able to easily access any information they needed. Since education is somewhat harder than it sounds, it became easier through the help of technology. 

Therefore, technology is advantageous for everyone. It makes everything easier that all you need to do is one click and you will be able to get the information you want. It also lessens the burden through financial standards since it makes every work in lesser time. Which is why technology is advantageous in many fields and almost everything, from the way it makes our lives easier to the way it aids us in everything.

First Phase: Latest Book

Take Heed

October 20, 2019

Today's generation has somewhat become different and from what I can see, it may not be steering to the world of success but to the realm of doom. Soon enough, we will face a change we can never be able to grasp. A change we can never handle which will lead to our downfall rather than to our success. I have never anticipated the next few years to come but looking at the state we are in; I can say that we will become more advanced. Yet do we know what we are going to subject ourselves into? Have we thought of how we would be if we change the way we are supposedly living? Yes, we are steering towards a brighter future but are we sure that it wasn’t just a trap set for us, and were just fool enough to bite it?

We all know that we needed to have prior knowledge to be able to steer the success we wanted to have, and education will give us a lift towards it. However, it is not that easy. It is a long-term process that without patience will not drive the way it’s supposed to be. We needed to sacrifice a lot of things to get the fulfillment of education. Not to mention the sacrifices we are making just to finish our study. On the other hand, discoveries are aiming to put our lives at ease. Its main goal is to give everyone convenience which leads me to the theory that in the years to come, innovators will find a way to procure knowledge without the long-term process of education. Believe it or not, education is not that easy to steer with which is why there is a big possibility that it will be annihilated.

To be quite honest, the movie Installado has given me an idea about the future to come. It portrayed the future education which is not requiring processes that takes months and years to finish, it only needed money to be able to accomplish it. Through an installation, you will already acquire the knowledge you needed for the curse you wanted to take. Although, it is something that makes everything easy, will it be of help? I believe that things are more valuable when we have given our best to get it. Those things that have been got easily are something that we don’t value about.

Truthfully, education doesn’t just give us knowledge. It also makes us realize that we needed to be patient enough with everything. It helps us learn that there are things that can’t be acquired easily. Furthermore, it inculcates to us the importance of sacrifices. We will never be able to do things without making sacrifices and without us knowing its art is something to be ashamed about. Thus, future education might give us the knowledge we needed instantly, but can it give the skills and the attitude needed to drive us to success?

Therefore, we needed to take heed with what we discover because sometimes we tend to be reckless with procuring something new to the masses. Things are of great value if we had done our best to acquire it. The importance of traditional education was not the knowledge we will get from it but through the talents and prior experience, we will be able to acquire. Remember that things became shiny when we acquire it the right way.

First Phase: Latest Book
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